i was looking for copies of eddsworld and i came across this
i was looking for copies of eddsworld and i came across this
yea this is old, don't like it that much-
reasons i hate this piece of trash
1. It's copied from Eddsworld and it's not even original besides it's made by a fucking shitty kid
2. its animation is horrible, just repeat a mouth scene and just smash the mouth and that's it.
3. The audio is something to think about, since the one who makes the audio is just a fucking boy between 12 and 14 years old.
4. It is also copied from some scenes from golofoworld, which is a very similar series to eddsworld but it came out first than eddsworld and this shit made by a kid.
5. It does not respect that the creator of Eddsworld and Golofworld or golowanernatyretn as they want to call it, died, and nowadays they cannot animate episodes for their fans, since they are thinking in peace, and this childish shit instead respect, and make the fandom of both series much better, NO, it shits on Edd gould and Scott mcDannell, and is copied from both series, especially from Eddsworld, may those 2 gods of flash animation rest in peace.
Bruh i didnt know what the frick golofworld was at the time i made this which was october 18 2020
i found out about golofworld on march 12th 2021
3rd yes i get it its old and crappy and dont like it much
4th in the future when my animation is smooth im gonna remake these old episodes
just remember "i was still new to animation and i used windows movie make i dont use that anymore i use Vegas Pro 18.
5th yes im sorry i made some really bad mistakes in past
which i really want to forget becuause there cringe.
こんにちは私は mishinekosukiiまたはenigi09としてよく知られています私は、動物の交差、ポケモンサーガ、マリオブロッシュ、フレディの2での5泊、秋の男、そしてアグレツオ、押し出されたぬいぐるみ、マオマオヒーローなどの多くのポルノビデオゲームを作るポルノアーティストですthe heart、幸せな木の友達、eddxworld、eddsworld。
Joined on 11/5/20